Obd Diagnostic Interface Program In Java

Posted : adminOn 9/27/2017
Obd Diagnostic Interface Program In Java Average ratng: 7,6/10 1062reviews

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M                    Micro Minature Repair. M                    Material Maintenance Management. A2. RF                Acustic to 2 Radio Freq. A3. C4. I               Aegis Ashore Assured C4. IAA                    Advanced Alteration Number. AA                    Aegis Ashore. AADC               Anti Air Defense Coordinator. AADCC             Area Air Defense Commander Capability. AADS               Amphibious Assault Direction System. AALPS             Automated Air Load Planning System. AAN                 Advanced Alteration Number. AAP                 Amphibious Assault Planner. AARC               Asymmetric ADW Resynchronization Controller. AATC                Amphibious Air Traffic Control. AATC                Amphibious Assault Traffic Control. AAW                 Anti Aircraft Warfare. AAWC              Anti Aircraft Warfare Commander. ABL                  Armored Box Launcher. ABM                 Agile Beam Management. ABMD              AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense. ACAT                Acquisition Category. ACC                 Area Control Center. ACCES             Advanced Cryptologic Carry on Exploitation System. ACDS               Advanced Combat Direction System. ACE                 Air Combat Element. The database recognizes 1,746,000 software titles and delivers updates for your software including minor upgrades. Car Diagnostic Tools and Information AUDI BMW RENAULT CITROEN MERCEDES PEUGEOT VOLKSWAGEN HONDA NISSAN OPEL SEAT DACIA SKODA. ACGU               Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, USA four eyesACINT               ACoustic INTelligence. ACL                  Access Control List. ACL                  Allowance Component List. ACLS                Automatic Carrier Landing System. ACMS               Automated COMSEC Material System. ACMS               Automated Communications Management System. ACO                 Airspace Control Order. ACOMMS         Acoustic Communications. ACR                 Air Control Revision. ACR                 Allowance Change Request. ACS                 Afloat Core Services. ACTD               Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration. ACTS                AEGIS Combat Training System. ACTS                Air Combat Training System. ACU                 Antenna Control Unit. ACWA                     Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives. ACWT               Average Customer Wait Time. ADA                 Air Defense Artillery. ADAP               Advanced Digital Antenna Production. ADAS               Advanced Digital Acquisition System. ADC                 Air Defense Coordinator. ADE                 Above Deck Equipment. ADEX               Air Defense EXercise. ADM                 Acquisition Decision Memorandum. ADMACS          Aviation Data Management Control System. ADMS              Automated Digital Multiplexer System. ADNS               Advanced Digital Network System. ADOCS            Automated Deep Operations Coordination Sys. ADP                 Automated Data Processing. ADRG               ARC Digitized Raster Graphic. ADS                 AEGIS Display System. ADS                 Advanced Display System. ADS                 Air Deconfliction System. ADS                 Advanced Deployable System. ADSI                Air Defense Systems Integrator. ADT                  Automatic Detection and Tracking. ADTS               ANDVT Digital Transfer System. ADTU               ANDVT Data Transfer Unit. ADW                Advanced Digital Waveform. AE                    Assault Echelon. Visio 2003 Patch For Windows 7. AEB                 Active Electronic Buoy. AECU               Antenna Environmental Control Unit. AEHF               Advanced EHFAEL                  Allowance Equipage List. AEMS               Advanced Enclosed Mast System. AER                 Alternation Equivalent to a Repair. AES                 Airwing Embarkable Suite. AESOP             Advanced End to End Simulation for Onboard Processing. AESOP             Afloat Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Program. AFATDS           Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System. AFB                  Air Force Base. AFCAA                    Air Force Cost Analysis Agency. AFCS A            Adaptive Fire Control System Afloat. AFOS               Automation of Field Operations and Services. AFRTS              Armed Forces Radio Television Service. AFWA               Air Force Weather Agency. AHFIP               Aviation High Frequency Internet Protocal. AI                     Application Integration. AIAS                 Aircraft Inertial Alignment System. AIC                   Air Intercept Control. AICS                 Automated Integrated Communications System. AIEWS              Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System. AIG                   Address Indicator Group. AIM                  Advanced INFOSEC Module. AIM                    Air Intercept Missile. AIMD                Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Departments. AIO                   Application Integration Overview. AIPS                 Alternation Installation Planning System. AIRES              Advanced Imagery Requirements Exploitation Sys. AIS                   Acoustic Intercept Screener. AIS                   Automated Information System. AIS                   Automatic Identification System. AISIT                Afloat Intelligence Systems Integration Team. AIT                   Alteration Installation Team. AIT                   Advanced Intelligent Tape. AJ                    Anti Jam. AKDC               Automatic Key Distribution Center. AKP                 Advanced Key Processor. ALA                  Asynchronous Line Adapter. ALCOM             ALlied COMmand. ALE                  Automated Link Establishment. ALFS                Airborne Low Frequency Sonar. ALIS                 Aegis Lan Interconnection System. ALSD               Advanced Large Screen Display. AM                   Amplitude Modulation. AMF                Airborne Maritime Fixed station. AMC                 Ameri. Com Satellite. AMCOM                    Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command. AMEGS            Aircraft Maintenance Event Ground Station. Computer Game S For Pc. AMHS               Automated Message Handling System. AMIIP               Accelerated Mid Term Interop Improvement Pgm. AMO                 Acquiaition Mgt Office. AMOD              Aegis MODernization. AMP                 Ait Management Program. AMP                 Advanced Message Protocol. AMPS               Afloat Master Planning System. AMSRR            Aviation Mgt Supply Readiness Reporting. AMW                AMphibious Warfare. ANAV               Accurate NAVigation. ANCC               Automated Network Control Center. ANCCATC        Automated Network Control CenterAutomated tech cen. ANDVT             Advanced Narrow band Digital Voice Terminal. ANFo. S             Afloat Networks Family of Systems. ANSI                 American National Standards Institute. Ao. A                  Analysis of Alternatives. AOC                 Air Operations Center. AODA               AirOcean data Assimilation. AOP                 AirOcean Prediction. AOR                 Area Of Responsibility. AOR                 Area of Operational Readiness. AOR E              Atlantic Ocean Region East. AOR W             Atlantic Ocean Region West. AOSM              AirOcean Shipboard Measurement. AOU                 Area Of Uncertainty. APB                 Acquisition Program Baseline. APG                 Antenna Pedestal Group. API                   Application Programming Interface. APL                  Allowance Parts List. APM                 Assistant Program Manager. APM L              Assistant Program Manager Logistics.