Agile Solutions Software Defined Radio Receiver
Posted : adminOn 11/18/2017Startup Tools Click Here 2. Lean LaunchPad Videos Click Here 3. FoundingRunning Startup Advice Click Here 4. Market Research Click Here 5. Life Science Click. ACDI Asynchronous Communications Device Interface A software device that permits asynchronous transmission, a way of transmitting data in which one character is. The AD9361 is a high performance, highly integrated radiofrequency RF Agile Transceiver designed for use in 3G and4G base station applications. Its. Land. From lightweight composite LPG tanks for automotive, to wireless coverage in the worlds tallest building, Cobham has a variety of land based solutions for. Concise information about radio modulation, noise, frequency synthesizers, building blocks and receiver technology. For researchers attending VTC2017Fall, this workshop will provide forward looking views of the wireless ecosystem stakeholders towards the realization of agile. Advanced spectrum sensing with parallel processing based on software defined radio. As the density of co located wireless networks grows, wireless systems are more and more susceptible to mutual interference, leading to degraded network performance. At the same time, end users demand high quality of service from wireless networks. This conflict gains increased interest in both the industrial and the academic world, resulting in several research projects1, 2. Cognitive radio CR is a promising technology for solving the above problem. Originally, CR is a frequency agile radio, capable of accessing licensed spectrum without influencing the primary users3. The concept of CR can be extended for more efficient sharing of unlicensed band among heterogeneous technologies. The fundamental requirement for CR is the ability to correctly examine the spectrum usage. One approach is to register the primary users location and power coverage into a central database, which obviously does not apply for a dynamic environment. Another approach is to perform channel assessment locally, allowing fast reaction to changes in the spectrum. The localized spectrum sensing approach appears to be more appealing, thanks to its adaptivity to a changing spectrum environment. Most wireless devices have only one radio module. Therefore, it is common to interleave the channel assessment and data transmission activity. How to find the optimal sensing frequency is crucial to improve the system performance and hence becomes a popular research topic on itself4, 5. However, it is not always convenient to limit transmission into predefined intervals. Sensing a broad spectrum range with limited radio front end capability and processing resources results in limited sensing performance. An alternative is to add a few more advanced devices dedicated for sensing above the original network. Such devices are referred to as sensing engines6. Apart from the CR context, sensing engines can help operators of wireless technology to better identify the location and characteristics of the interference. In addition, for wireless researchers, an accurate sensing engine can provide a more detailed view on the physical layer. One use case could be a MAC layer researcher that needs to identify the interpacket interval or the duty cycle of a channel. One of the most crucial aspects of the sensing engine is its efficiency because discontinuity in spectrum sensing often leads to inaccurate assessment and missed detection of interference or primary usage. Spectrum sensing generally consists of two phases The sampling phase, in which raw samples are collected from the air The processing phase, in which buffered samples are processed for spectrum analysis. Depending on the processing speed, the processing phase can partially or completely happen in parallel with the sampling phase. The time used for collecting samples from the air is referred to as the sampling time, while the time required by the processing phase in addition to the sampling time is referred to as the processing time. The sensing efficiency is then defined as the ratio of the sampling time and the summation of the sampling time and the processing time. During the processing time, the sampling of the wireless medium is put onto hold, which means that the sensing engine is blind. It is possible that a number of transient signals are missed during this period. The time interval when sampling activity is put onto hold is referred to as the blind time. Mb Movies Dual Audio Mkv'>300Mb Movies Dual Audio Mkv. Ideally, the blind time should be reduced to zero, meaning 1. There are various sensing devices on todays market. Solutions such as spectrum analyzers are capable of scanning a wide spectrum range, but are not dedicated for channel assessment and extremely costly. For instance, a spectrum analyzer usually cannot do continuous recording for a time period longer than a few seconds, and the recorded spectrum needs to have high frequency resolution for visualization purposes. However, the raw spectrum information still requires further processing to obtain the energy for specified channels. On the other hand, low cost solutions are trimmed for simple and steady recording but lack the flexibility and required performance. For instance, they are not able to achieve seamless spectrum sensing and usually have nonconfigurable frequency span and resolution bandwidth. The key requirements for channel assessment in the CR context are flexibility, reliability, and the capability of continuous recording. Energy per channel with a timestamp is the desired output format an excessively fine frequency resolution is generally not appreciated. To enable cooperative or distributed spectrum sensing, the measurement should be obtained with a relatively low cost platform. Finally, from a developers point of view, the implementation should be flexible and transparent in order to achieve fast prototyping and testing. Putty Rpm. After realizing the gap between the capability of high end spectrum analyzers and the need of cognitive radio researching, we decide to build an alternative a simpler but more dedicated sensing engine. In summary, to achieve an advanced wireless system, we need sensing engines with relatively low cost and that are capable of continuous sensing and recording. To this end, this paper presents a solution that is built upon a commercial software defined radio SDR7. The solution is further extended on multiple SDR devices for cooperative and distributed spectrum sensing. While the developed solution has less functionality than spectrum analyzers, it is also much cheaper and dedicated for channel assessment. Above all, in contrast to most spectrum analyzers, our solution is capable of continuous sampling and recording. The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows first, we present an overview of the most common sensing devices today next, we describe how we arrive at our solution and its advantages and finally, the detailed software structure and configurations of the sensing software are presented. The proposed solution is verified experimentally, with real life wireless signals, such as Wi Fi and Bluetooth. Pc Lab 2000 Lt.