Ine Multicast Deep Dive Google
Posted : adminOn 11/2/2017Multicast for CCIE Lesson 1 Static RPOne of the technologies that I never really mastered was Multicast. I knew the basics but didnt really know how to troubleshoot it. This is one of the holes in my knowledge that contributed to my last failure of the CCIE Lab Exam. So in order for that to not happen again I have decided to do a real deep dive into Multicast for CCIE candidates. I am going to be starting with the basics and building on the knowledge ensuring that I cover every detail of the technology. Now Multicast is not really that difficult to configure, there are only a handful of commands. The problem most people suffer with is that they dont know how to properly troubleshoot it and when it doesnt work, they have nowhere to go. So for this tutorial on the Static RP or Rendezvous Point I will be using the topology below. This is a very simple setup with all routers running OSPF area 0. Each router has a loopback of x. The IP addressing is very simple, between router 1 and 2 the addressing is 1. To test any Multicast topology you are going to need a Server and a Client. Within the scope of the CCIE Lab Exam you will not have a multicast server or client so we have to simulate these. We do this in the following way Multicast Server. The multicast server will be a dedicated device who will send a ping to the multicast group address. This will simulate a stream of multicast traffic. In our topology R1 is going to be the Multicast server. You do not have to run PIM on R1 as it does not partake in Multicast Routing. Word Resume Format Tips. If you are having problems getting the format of your MS Word document resume right, here are a couple of tips Do not use non standard fonts. I am doing a review of multicast right now and I find a good thorough. While at the same time I am referencing the Doccd for some tasks to do a deepdive. INE is an industry leader in CCIE Training for CCIE Routing Switching, Collaboration, Security, Service Provider, and Data Center lab preparation. Ine Multicast Deep Dive Download Youtube. Looking for latest version of the CCIE V5 deep dive course from INE for Multicast Was. Heck Google is doing that. R2 will be the RP or Rendezvouz Point and will hear the multicast traffic and register R1 as a source. Multicast Client. Normally a multicast client will be a PC who wants to receive the multicast traffic. Within the CCIE Lab Exam to simulate a multicast client we will use the ip igmp group command. The config on R6 Client is below. I have configured the loopback address as the interface to configure the ip igmp group command on. R6 CLIENTsh run int lo. Loopback. 0. ip address 6. To verify this you can use the sh ip igmp group command. R6 CLIENTsh ip igmp group. IGMP Connected Group Membership. Here we collected top 100 interview questions for Network Engineers and. Cisco Catalyst 9000 FamilyTechnical Deep Dive. Group Address Interface Uptime Expires Last Reporter. Loopback. 0 1. Loopback. R6 CLIENTHere you can see that the group 2. As a troubleshooting step if I remove the pim configuration from lo. R6 CLIENTconfigint lo. R6 CLIENTconfig ifno ip pim sparse mode. Crack Limewire Pro R6 CLIENTsh ip igmp group. IGMP Connected Group Membership. Group Address Interface Uptime Expires Last Reporter Group Accounted. Loopback. 0 1. Fast. Ethernet. 00 0. Loopback. You can see that under the Expires column that it says stopped. Let put it back and carry on. I have configured ip pim sparse mode on every interface of R1,R2,R4,R5 R6 R3 will play its part in the next tutorialExample interface configuration on R4. R4sh run int f. 00. Fast. Ethernet. 00. To verify if the multicast traffic is going to flow we need to verify the patch, you can do this with an mtrace. R6 CLIENTmtrace 1. Type escape sequence to abort. Mtrace from 1. 0. RPF. From source to destination. Querying full reverse path. PIM 1. 0. 0. 1. 2. PIM 1. 0. 0. 1. 2. PIM 1. 0. 0. 1. 2. PIM 1. 0. 0. 1. 2. R6 CLIENTping 1. Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 1. 00 byte ICMP Echos to 1. Success rate is 1. R6 CLIENTtrace 1. Type escape sequence to abort. Tracing the route to 1. R6 CLIENTHere you can see that there is a full path all the way up to R1 and the standard trace proves connectivity. If in the mtrace output there were any failures this would indicate that PIM is not enabled on that particular interface. So we know we have a multicast path from client to server. The next step is to configure a RP there are three ways of doing this and all routers in the topology must agree on who the RP is. The three was to configure an RP are Static RP using the ip pim rp address command this has to be configured on every device and can be overridden with a dynamic method. Auto RP this will be dealt with in a later post. BSR this will be dealt with in a later post. To configure a static RP simply add the command ip pim rp address 2. RP itself. The Rendezvouz Point needs to know it is the RP The next step is to verify that all routers have this configuration and that everyone agrees on who the RP is. R2sh ip pim rp mapping. PIM Group to RP Mappings. Groups 2. 24. 0. Static. RP 2. 2. This tells us that R2 is the RP and that is been configured with the ip pim rp mapping command. The question mark by RP 2. DNS entry for 2. 2. You would normally decide on the router closest to the Server to be the RP. So now that everyone in the topology agrees on the RP and there is a successful mtrace both ways from client to server and server to client we should be able to ping the multicast group address 2. Astonishing X-Men Dangerous Motion Comic. R6. R1 SERVERping 2. Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 1. 00 byte ICMP Echos to 2. Reply to request 0 from 1. Reply to request 1 from 1. Reply to request 2 from 1. Reply to request 3 from 1. Reply to request 4 from 1. Success we have end to end connectivity and can ping the multicast group address 2. If we look on R5 and do a sh ip mroute you can see the ,G and S,G entries showing the incoming and outgoing interfaces for the multicast group. R5sh ip mroute. IP Multicast Routing Table. Flags D Dense, S Sparse, B Bidir Group, s SSM Group, C Connected. L Local, P Pruned, R RP bit set, F Register flag. T SPT bit set, J Join SPT, M MSDP created entry. X Proxy Join Timer Running, A Candidate for MSDP Advertisement. U URD, I Received Source Specific Host Report. Z Multicast Tunnel, z MDT data group sender. Y Joined MDT data group, y Sending to MDT data group. Outgoing interface flags H Hardware switched, A Assert winner. Timers UptimeExpires. Interface state Interface, Next Hop or VCD, StateMode. RP 2. 2. 2. 2, flags S. Incoming interface Fast. Ethernet. 00, RPF nbr 1. Outgoing interface list. Fast. Ethernet. 01, ForwardSparse, 0. T. Incoming interface Fast. Ethernet. 00, RPF nbr 1. Outgoing interface list. Fast. Ethernet. 01, ForwardSparse, 0. RP 2. 2. 2. 2, flags SJCL. Incoming interface Fast. Ethernet. 00, RPF nbr 1. Outgoing interface list. Fast. Ethernet. 01, ForwardSparse, 0. One final thing to look at as the options on the end of the ip pim rp address command. Going back to R2 our Rendezvouz Point lets look at the options you have for configuration on the RPR2configip pim rp address A. B. C. D IP address of Rendezvous point for group. R2configip pim rp address 2. Access list reference for group. Access list reference for group expanded range. Pacifist 2.5.2 Serial. WORD IP Named Standard Access list. Overrides dynamically learnt RP mappings. Lets start with override by default if you have a static RP configured and some dynamic information is learnt via Auto RP or BSR the dynamic information will override the static configuration. The opposite to unicast routing. If you want your statically configured RP to remain even on receipt of dynamic information just add the override keyword at the end of the configuration e. R2configip pim rp address 2. You also have the option to add an access list to the end of the configuration e. R2configip pim rp address 2. Where 1. 0 references an access list to set a static RP for specific groups. Static RP for all groupslt ip pim rp address 2. Static RP for specific groupsaccess l 1. CCIE Data Center Study Links.