Ant Execute Java Program

Posted : adminOn 11/10/2017
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Factorial Program In Java 5 Simple Ways Java Tutoring. Can I Play Downloaded Psp Games On My Ps3 here. Factorial program in java. Here is the list of different types of factorial java code along with sample outputs. If you have no idea on how to solve the Factorial in math, do check out our tutorial below so that you will get an idea. The Factorial program in java, we written the following program in five different ways, using standard values, using while loop, using for loop, using do while loop, using method or function, using recursion. If you have any doubts related to the code that we shared below do leave a comment here at the end of the post our team will help you out related to ant query. Table Of Contents Factorial Program. Different Ways. 1Standard values. For Loop. 3Command Line Arguments. Using Recursion. 5Using While Loop. Using Do While Loop. Q So, basically what is factorial Def  A factorial is a function that multiplies  number by every number. For example 4 4312. The function is used, among other things, to find the number of ways n objects can be arranged. In mathematics, there are n Factorial ways to arrange N Objects in sequence. To run the program in the jar file you created you would need to execute. Tester. jar your. Main A more convenient way to execute the jar is to be able. Installing Apache Ant Getting Apache Ant The Short Story. To get up and running with the binary edition of Ant quickly, follow these steps Make sure you have a Java. Q How to calculate For example Consider The possibility of 2 Same as like 47. About Building Java Projects. NetBeans provides both Ant and Maven for building your Java applications. With Ant, if you are using a standard Java project, the. Apache Ant Tutorial. Windows Boot Genius Full Version here. This tutorial describes the usage of Ant as a build tool to compile Java code, pack this code into an executable jar and how to create Javadoc. I am trying to build maven project. I am getting following error. The complete stack trace is below ERROR Failed to execute goal org. Same as like 5, 1. N The following program has been written in 5 different ways, using while loop, for loop, do while loop, using method. Now, lets get into programming part. Java Program To Calculate Factorial using standard values with outputs. Standard values consider the following code is universal applicable with sample outputs. String arg. int n5,fact1. System. out. printlnfactoralfact. FactoralpublicstaticvoidmainStringarg             intn5,fact1        forinti1 ilt n i           factfact            System. Java Program Using For Loop. Using for loop Here is the program using for loop with sample outputs example. Among all three loops, for loop is  probably the most used loop. For loop are two types mainly foreach style of for loopnormal for loop. Scanner. class Factorial. String arg. long n,fact1. Scanner scnew ScannerSystem. System. out. printlnenter number. Long. forint i1 ilt n i. System. out. printlnfactfact. Scanner class. FactorialpublicstaticvoidmainStringarg            longn,fact1    Scanner scnew. ScannerSystem. in    System. Long    forinti1 ilt n i        factfact           System. Using Command Line Arguments. JSch example tutorial, java program to connect to SSH Unix server and run commands, java ssh connection example, java ssh client example code, java ssh jsch. Factorial program in java. Here is the list of different types of factorial java code along with sample outputs. Nintendo 3Ds Emulator For Pc. If you have no idea on how to solve the Factorial in. Apache Ant is a software tool for automating software build processes, which originated from the Apache Tomcat project in early 2000. It was a replacement for the. Workbench User Guide Eclipse platform overview Getting started Basic tutorial The Workbench Editors and views Editors Views. Using command line arguments Here is the complete guide about command line arguments in Java with examples. Scanner. public static void mainString args. Long. parse. Longargs0. System. out. printlnfactfact. Scanner class. FactorlpublicstaticvoidmainStringargs              longn,fact1                 nLong. Longargs0      forinti1 ilt n i               factfact               System. C UsersgouthamDesktopE javac. C UsersgouthamDesktopE java Factorl 9. C UsersgouthamDesktopE javac. C UsersgouthamDesktopE java Factorl. Using Function. Java code for calculating Factorial using a user defined methodusing function. Scanner. public static void mainString args. Long. parse. Longargs0. Caln. System. out. Callong x. long fact1. Scanner class. FactorlpublicstaticvoidmainStringargs           longn,fact0   nLong. Longargs0              factfact. Caln           System. Callongx    longfact1    forinti1 ilt x i        factfact         returnfact output. C UsersgouthamDesktopE javac. C UsersgouthamDesktopE java Factorl 1. C UsersgouthamDesktopE javac. C UsersgouthamDesktopE java Factorl. Using Recursion Recursion A Recursion is a function call itself you can check out more information about what is recursion in java here Scanner. String arg. Scanner scnew ScannerSystem. System. out. printlnenter number. Long. long fFactorl. System. out. printlnfactorialf. Factorl. factn 1. Scanner class. FactorlpublicstaticvoidmainStringarg   longn           Scanner scnew. ScannerSystem. in   System. Long   longfFactorl. System. out. printlnfactorialf staticlongfactlongn     ifnlt 0      return. Factorl. factn 1 output. Factorl8. 76. 45. Factorl8. 76. 45. Using while loop. Here is the code using while loop The definition of while loop is to execute the set of statements as long as the condition is true. Here we share complete guide on what is while loop in java with sample examples and syntax do check it out. If you have any doubts related to the following program using while loop do let us know here. Scanner. public static void mainString arg. Scanner scnew ScannerSystem. System. out. printlnenter number. Long. whileilt n. System. out. printlnfactfact. Scanner class. FactrlpublicstaticvoidmainStringarg            longn,fact1    Scanner scnew. ScannerSystem. in    System. Long inti1    whileilt n        factfact                     i           System. Using Do While Loop. The difference between while loop and do while loop is, where in do while the condition is checked in each iteration, where as in while loop the condition is checked at the beginning of each iteration. Here is the complete guide on Java do while with examples and syntax. Scanner. public static void mainString arg. Scanner scnew ScannerSystem. System. out. printlnenter number. Long. int i1. System. Scanner class. Fact. Stringarg            longn,fact1    Scanner scnew. ScannerSystem. in    System. Long            inti1               do                                 factfact                     i                      whileilt n      System. Thats it. Also check. TFS build automation for a Java project using Ant. In a previous article, I walked through the process of installing and using Team Explorer Everywhere on an Eclipse environment. That way, you can use TFS for your Java development. In this article, I will cover the process of how you can use the Team Foundation Build Automation to automate your Java builds using Ant. Ill guide you through all the necessary steps and give you some personal experiences. First of all, you need to have Team Explorer Everywhere installed more about that in my previous post. If you have this, youre ready to go. Getting started with Java and Ant. To start, let me explain you what Ant is and how you can use it. Apache Ant is a software tool for automating software build processes. It is similar to Make but is implemented using the Java language, requires the Java platform, and is best suited to building Java projects. Ant stands for Another neat tool and was released at first in 2. The Ant build definitions are declared in a build. The root node of a build. This target will be executed when you build your project. The child nodes of a project are those target definitions. You can define as many targets as you want. For example clean, compile, jar. Each target can have its dependencies. You can define that the jar target depends on the clean and compile target. That way, you have a sequence of executing. Let me give you a really basic example. When you use Eclipse, you can use the Ant window to visualize the Targets of your build. Link your build. xml file using the add build files button Using this window, you can also execute a specific Target by double clicking on it. Be sure that you do a check in of your build. Create a build definition. Now you have Ant up and running, we can define our TFS build definition. This build definition will take care of the build process on our TFS build controller. If you want to learn more about build controllers and build agents on TFS, take a look at this article. Open the Team Foundation Server Explorer in Eclipse using the Team Foundation Server Explorer perspective. Select Builds node, right click and select New Build Definition2. In the new window, the first thing you have to do is provide a build definition name and a description. The next step is to define the build trigger. Choose the option that suits you the best. In my case, I selected a Continuous Integration Build. The following step is the definition of your working folders. This is the mapping that the build server will use. If you defined a custom workspace mapping on your local machine, you can also copy this using the Copy Existing Workspace button. Select your build controller and the place where to output your files. Note that even on Linux, if you use a network location, use location and not smb which you would normally use on a linux machine to access a Windows share. Thats because the build controller is running on a windows machine, and this controller uses the network path you define there. On the project file section, you can define which build you want to use. Click on the Create button to start a new wizard. The first step in this wizard is to select which build file you currently have. In our case this is an Ant build file. Select this an click next. The next step is to select your build. Click finish to close this wizard. As you can see now, the wizard tells you that there was a MSBuild project file found. That file was automatically created by the previous wizard. Note that this file is located in a folder called Team. Build. Types. If you want to understand whats in that TFSBuild. The last step is to define your Retention policy. There you can select some numbers of how many files are kept when a build succeeds, fails. Click Ok to create your Build Definition. You Should now see your new build definition in the list. Build server changes. To summarize We have a Java project, an Ant build. TFS build definition based on the Ant build file. The next step is to prepare our TFS Build server so it will be able to build Java projects based on AntMaven. For that, you will need the Team Foundation Server Build Extensions Power Tools. They can be download here. This extensions provide the ability to execute Ant or Maven 2 builds from Team Foundation Server and publish the results of the build along with any associated JUnit test results back to TFS. After you have installed this on your build server, be sure that you have the correct JDK and Apache Ant installed. Next thing you may not forget is set the correct environment variables to your build system. I spend quite a while looking for the correct one, so here they are Add a system variable ANTHOME with value C Program Files. Win. Ant or where Ant is installed. Next add a system variable JAVAHOME with value C Program Files. Javajdk. 1. 6. 02. The last step is to edit your system variable called Path. At the end of this value it should already contain a bunch of other settings you add JAVAHOMEbin ANTHOMEbin. Now youre ready to go. The build server can now execute Ant builds. Ant build usage with TFSThe nice thing about using Ant with TFS is that the TFS build will provide some extra parameters that can be used in your build. For example you have Binaries. Root, Build. Definition. Name, Build. Directory, You can use this parameters in your Ant build definition. Ill combine the previous explanation with the fact that you also have conditional parameters in your Ant build file. What I mean is that you can declare variables, depending on the fact that the variable is or isnt defined. For example, if you run your Ant build inside your Eclipse, you have no Binaries. Root variable available. Thats because this is provided, additionally, by our TFS build script. What we  can do is the following lt condition propertydir. Binaries. Root lt isset propertyBinaries. Root lt condition lt property namedir. So if the Binaries. Root variable exists, then use it, otherwise use the basedir instead. That way, you can create your Ant build so that it does run local, but also on the build server. Run your build. Now you have all the parts completed, its time to execute your build. Using your Team Explorer in Eclipse, right click on your build definition and click Queue new build or do a code check in if you defined a CI build. Now you should see the build running in the Build Explorer Window. Double click on the build to see the results. You also have a log, containing the output of the Ant build. If you go to the drop folder, you should see your output files. Now its up to you to change your Ant build file, and play with some targets. In a next post, I will explain how you can define JUnit tests in your Java application, and also link the results to your TFS build, and even watch the results in Visual Studio.