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View all smartphones People who have the latest Symbian Nokia smartphones can now update them to Nokia Belle bringing a fresh look to their screens thanks to the latest user interface. Once you have installed Nokia Belle you will still have the same phone, but it will feel like new, with improved performance. Read more It has been quite a while since our last server upgrade, but the traffic has taken its toll. Since upgrades are no longer possible to our current server we will be moving the site to a new one in the next 7. We have already stated the preparations so we think that the downtime will be minimal. At a certein point of the move process we will disable registrations, account logins and comments in order to prevent data loss. Please do not panic if you are unable to register or login. We apologize for the inconvenience. Symbian. Themes. us Team. Read more . Some of you might have noticed that Skype no longer works on your Fring application and there is a reason for this, Skype blocked Fring. Here is a part from the official press release. Last week, following the surge in fring video calling traffic, fring service to Skype was temporarily reduced. Unfortunately, Skype and their legal team demanded not to restore your connectivity to Skype via fring. Needless to say, we are very disappointed that Skype is now trying to muzzle competition, even at the expense of its own users. While we regret Skypes decision to block fring, we are committed to continuing to provide you with market leading innovation, to keep you in touch with your friends, wherever they are. Read more . Silverlight, a cross browser, cross platform implementation of the. NET Framework for building media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web on desktop computers, is now available for Nokia S6. Edition devices such as Nokia 5. Xpress. Music, Nokia N9. Nokia N9. 7 Mini. Well, finally Microsoft released Silverlight for Nokia S6. Silverlight comes the Bing Application based on Silverlight as you might guess. What exactly Silverlight means for the Nokia S6. I am not sure, but I personally do not have some craving for Silverlight just for the fact that Silverlight is not used on many websites and the ones that use it, are orbiting very closely to Microsoft. The upside of this is that now you will be able to view Silverlight content right from your Nokia S6. Other than that and the new Bing application, currently I dont see other uses for Silverlight on my Nokia N9. Saskatchewan Infrastructure Growth Initiative Program more. Who knows, maybe in time as more and more people start developing apps and content using Silverlight, I might be not as skeptical as I am now. Read more As you most likely are aware, the World Cup is underway and everyone is catching the FIFA FeverTo celebrate this world sporting event, weve cooked up a Mobile Heist that will let you show your team spirit and pick up a few great new apps and themes for your Symbian Smartphone So this Wednesday through Friday, June 2. Football Fanatics to purchase all at 5. Here are some of the picks. Its Soccer Time Enjoy the 2. FIFA Soccer World Cup on your phone Place a mini calendar of the approaching events on the Home Screen. Watch all the details in full screen mode. See whats coming up next, and never miss a match You could be the only one in the pub, whose phone can show right on the Home Screen, who are playing the next match, and when. Are you a soccer fan Then you must be waiting for the World Cup in South Africa. This theme is specially designed for sporting spirit in our world. Live sports news on your mobile devices NO subscription fee required. The most comprehensive news covering basketball, baseball, football, golf, hockey, soccer, including headline news, matches, schedules and team details. Follow your favorite team with latest news, scores and plays. Intuitive interface with easy access to all you need to know about sports. Read more View the Symbian Themes blog. No, Facebook Did Not Panic and Shut Down an AI Program That Was Getting Dangerously Smart. Install Oraoledb Oracle 1 Provider there. In recent weeks, a story about experimental Facebook machine learning research has been circulating with increasingly panicky, Skynet esque headlines. Facebook engineers panic, pull plug on AI after bots develop their own language, one site wrote. Facebook shuts down down AI after it invents its own creepy language, another added. Did we humans just create Frankenstein asked yet another. One British tabloid quoted a robotics professor saying the incident showed the dangers of deferring to artificial intelligence and could be lethal if similar tech was injected into military robots. References to the coming robot revolution, killer droids, malicious AIs and human extermination abounded, some more or less serious than others. Continually quoted was this passage, in which two Facebook chat bots had learned to talk to each other in what is admittedly a pretty creepy way. Bob I can i i everything else. Alice balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to Bob you i everything else. Alice balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me. The reality is somewhat more prosaic. A few weeks ago, Fast. Co Design did report on a Facebook effort to develop a generative adversarial network for the purpose of developing negotiation software. The two bots quoted in the above passage were designed, as explained in a Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research unit blog post in June, for the purpose of showing it is possible for dialog agents with differing goals implemented as end to end trained neural networks to engage in start to finish negotiations with other bots or people while arriving at common decisions or outcomes. The bots were never doing anything more nefarious than discussing with each other how to split an array of given items represented in the user interface as innocuous objects like books, hats, and balls into a mutually agreeable split. The intent was to develop a chatbot which could learn from human interaction to negotiate deals with an end user so fluently said user would not realize they are talking with a robot, which FAIR said was a success The performance of FAIRs best negotiation agent, which makes use of reinforcement learning and dialog rollouts, matched that of human negotiators. FAIRs bots not only can speak English but also think intelligently about what to say. When Facebook directed two of these semi intelligent bots to talk to each other, Fast. Co reported, the programmers realized they had made an error by not incentivizing the chatbots to communicate according to human comprehensible rules of the English language. In their attempts to learn from each other, the bots thus began chatting back and forth in a derived shorthandbut while it might look creepy, thats all it was. Agents will drift off understandable language and invent codewords for themselves, FAIR visiting researcher Dhruv Batra said. Like if I say the five times, you interpret that to mean I want five copies of this item. This isnt so different from the way communities of humans create shorthands. Facebook did indeed shut down the conversation, but not because they were panicked they had untethered a potential Skynet. FAIR researcher Mike Lewis told Fast. Co they had simply decided our interest was having bots who could talk to people, not efficiently to each other, and thus opted to require them to write to each other legibly. But in a game of content telephone not all that different from what the chat bots were doing, this story evolved from a measured look at the potential short term implications of machine learning technology to thinly veiled doomsaying. There are probably good reasons not to let intelligent machines develop their own language which humans would not be able to meaningfully understandbut again, this is a relatively mundane phenomena which arises when you take two machine learning devices and let them learn off each other. Its worth noting that when the bots shorthand is explained, the resulting conversation was both understandable and not nearly as creepy as it seemed before. As Fast. Co noted, its possible this kind of machine learning could allow smart devices or systems to communicate with each other more efficiently. Those gains might come with some problemsimagine how difficult it might be to debug such a system that goes wrongbut it is quite different from unleashing machine intelligence from human control. In this case, the only thing the chatbots were capable of doing was coming up with a more efficient way to trade each others balls. There are good uses of machine learning technology, like improved medical diagnostics, and potentially very bad ones, like riot prediction software police could use to justify cracking down on protests. All of them are essentially ways to compile and analyze large amounts of data, and so far the risks mainly have to do with how humans choose to distribute and wield that power. Hopefully humans will also be smart enough not to plug experimental machine learning programs into something very dangerous, like an army of laser toting androids or a nuclear reactor. But if someone does and a disaster ensues, it would be the result of human negligence and stupidity, not because the robots had a philosophical revelation about how bad humans are. At least not yet. Machine learning is nowhere close to true AI, just humanitys initial fumbling with the technology. If anyone should be panicking about this news in 2.