Excel Vba Restore Window State Us
Posted : adminOn 10/4/2017I currently have a userform open on top of an excel instance and it is set so you cant interact with anything except for the userform. Since there is no way to. Hi, I have made a statusbar in my excel macro to tell the progress so far. I was wondering if there was any way to change the color of the statusbar font to ano. Windows API functions to use in Office applications. Office developers rely heavily on VBA. But even though its versatile and robust, it doesnt do everything. Sometimes, a VBA solution is convoluted or difficult to implement. When that happens, turn to the Windows Application Programming Interface API. Youll find thousands of useful functions. Although Office developers should find the APIs in this article useful, theyre not just for Office. You can use them in most any Windows based application. All of these tips are specific to 3. The VBA functions provided in this article arent real world ready. They are simple calls to the API, so you can see how the pieces work together. However, a few could easily move into your code library as is. Execute the VBA procedures from the Immediate window, passing the necessary arguments, to see the results. Once you know how the VBA procedures call the API functions and what to expect in return, you can modify the procedures as necessary and use them in your own projects. Note This article is also available for download as a PDF, along with a module containing the code examples discussed here. Sleep. The Sleep function suspends execution for a specified period. It places the running code into an inactive state for the number of milliseconds passed to the function. Simply declare the function and then call it as shown from a VBA procedure Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib kernel. By. Val dw. Milliseconds As Long. Sleep milliseconds. Get. User. Name. If you need to know whos logged into an Access database, use Get. User. Name. There are other ways to do this without calling an API, but this API is so simple, why would you bother writing your own codeThanks for posing the question. I should put this explanation in my post. From my research, QueryTables are quite fast. They are wonderful if you dont know VBA. The VBA editor seems so limited, yet I have not found any alternative other than copy the code into another editor, edit it, paste it back. Yuk There must. Get. User. Name retrieves the name of the current system or the current user logged into the network. Declare it and call it, passing the appropriate information, as follows Private Declare Function Get. User. Name Lib advapi. Alias Get. User. Name. A By. Val lp. Buffer As String, n. Size As Long As Long. Adobe Reader Le 2.5 Trial'>Adobe Reader Le 2.5 Trial. Function apic. Get. User. Name As String Call to api. Get. User. Name returns current user. Dim lng. Response As Long Dim str. User. Name As String 3. Response Get. User. Namestr. User. Name, 3. Get. User. Name Leftstr. User. Name, In. Strstr. User. Name, Chr0 1End Function. Get. Computer. Name. This next function, Get. Computer. Name, is similar to Get. User. Name except it retrieves the systems name. Declare it and call it, as follows Private Declare Function Get. Computer. Name Lib kernel. Alias Get. Computer. Name. A By. Val lp. Buffer As String, n. Size As Long As Long. Function apic. Get. Computer. Name As String Call to api. Get. User. Name returns current user. Dim lng. Response As Long Dim str. User. Name As String 3. Response Get. Computer. Namestr. User. Name, 3. Get. Computer. Name Leftstr. Anatomy Bodybuilding Pdf. User. Name, In. Strstr. User. Name, Chr0 1End Function. Bring. Window. To. Top. This API function brings the specified window to the top. If the window is a top level window, the function activates it. If the window is a child window, the function activates the associated top level parent window. Simply pass the appropriate window handle. If the function fails, it returns 0 if its successful, it will return a nonzero value. Use the following declaration Private Declare Function Bring. Window. To. Top Lib user. By. Val lng. HWnd As Long As Long. When calling the function, pass the window handle value as a Long variable. Find. Window. Bring. Window. To. Top requires a handle value. Youll need Find. Window, another API, for that. This one can be a bit frustrating because it requires specialized information, and if you dont get it just right, the function wont work. Specifically, you need the windows class or name, as shown in the simple call below. This function returns the handle for the Word document, December. Private Declare Function Find. Window Lib user. Alias Find. Window. A By. Val lp. Class. Name As String, By. Val lp. Window. Name As String As Long. Function apic. Find. Windowstr. Class. Name As String, str. Window. Name As String Get window handle. Dim lng. Wnd As Long apic. Find. Window Find. Windowstr. Class. Name, str. Window. NameEnd Function. The class names for the three main Office applications are as follows Microsoft Access OMain Microsoft Excel XLMAIN Microsoft Word Opus. App. The window name lp. Window. Name is usually the windows caption see the windows title bar. If youre lucky, passing the object in the following form will work object. Caption. For instance, you might try the following statement to return the handle of an Excel userform named ufrm. Employees Find. Windowvb. Null. String, ufrm. Employees. CaptionUnfortunately, it doesnt always work out that way. If the function returns 0, it didnt work a window handle is never 0. If you omit one of the parameters both arent necessary, pass vb. Null. String. If you have trouble getting the lp. Window. Name property, grab a copy of Auto. It. This tool returns the exact window name for open windows. Thanks to Stuart Mc. Lachlan of Lexacorp for recommending this neat tool Find. Executable. Have you ever needed to know whats installed before running a specific Office application Find. Executable can retrieve that information. This function requires the name of an existing data file and a working directory. The function returns the name and path of the application that Windows would launch if you double clicked the data file. If the function fails, it returns a value of 3. Declare it and use the following VBA function to call Find. Executable Private Declare Function Find. Executable Lib shell. Alias Find. Executable. A By. Val lp. File As String, By. Vallp. Directory As String, By. Val lp. Result As String As Long. Function apic. Find. Executablestr. Data. File As String, str. Dir As String As String Resturns exectuable for passed data file. Dim lgn. App As Long Dim str. App As String str. App Space2. 60 lng. App Find. Executablestr. Data. File, str. Dir, str. App If lng. App 3. Then apic. Find. Executable str. App Else apic. Find. Executable No matching application. End If. End Function. You must pass the entire path via str. Data. File, not just the name of the data file. The function will return the path to the executable needed to run the data file. Get. Active. Window. When working with more than one Office application, youll probably need to consider windows. Fortunately, there are plenty of API functions for working with them. Get. Active. Window retrieves the window handle for the currently active window the new window you last clicked. If there is no active window associated with the thread, the return value is NULL. Declare it and call it as follows Private Declare Function Get. Active. Window Lib user. As Long. Function apic. Get. Active. Window Return window handle of active window. Dim lng. Window As Long apic. Get. Active. Window Get. Active. WindowEnd Function. Bmw Torque Specs Pdf To Excel there. You can quickly learn whether a specific form is still the active window using the following expression if the host application supports a handle property Access does Get. Active. Window lt form. WND8 Get. Temp. Path. Get. Temp. Path returns the path to the systems temporary folder. It requires two parameters the length of a string to contain the pathname and the string itself. This function returns the length of the pathname measured in bytes or 0 if the function fails. Capture Autofilter state.